I am currently a Postdoctorate researcher at UPNA Lab – Interactive Future Devices in Pamplona (Spain).
I have a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction, Haptics and Robotics from Sorbonne Université (Paris, France). I focus on interaction with 3D digital content (e.g., in VR, AR, volumetric displays) through all types of haptics, whether passive, pseudo-, active or contactless. My main research areas are HCI, Virtual Reality, Haptics and Robotics. I did my first Post-doctorate fellowship at Centre Inria de l’Université de Rennes (France). My latest projects are uploaded on this website.
Latest News:
“When Tangibles become Deformable” – Studying Pseudo-Stiffness Perceptual Thresholds in a VR Grasping Task
See Project >

I propose to investigate how to extend the haptic properties of tangibles in VR, using pseudo-haptic techniques, and focused on instantiating compliance into rigid tangibles.
This can be used with prior work to instantiate 1 physical object -> K virtual renderings -> N Haptic renderings.
This opens up novel opportunities to simplify the design of future haptic interfaces and extends the haptic properties of passive props in VR.
Published as TVCG Special Issue and IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + 3D User Interfaces 2023 Proceedings Paper
Best PhD Thesis Award – Multidisciplinar – Rewarded at IHM’22 – 33rd Francophone Conference of Human-Computer Interaction, in Namur (Belgium)

I was invited to present my PhD at IHM’22 in Namur (Belgium), after receiving the award of the best PhD Thesis.
I was a great honor to receive this first award and a great pleasure to share my PhD work once again after my defense!
“Let’s Meet and Work it Out!” – Understanding and Mitigating Encountered-type of Haptic Devices Failure Modes in VR
See Project >

Encountered-type of haptic devices primary function is to overlay virtual objects of interest, by physically encountering the users in VR to provide haptic feedback.
In this paper, we use an FMEA – Failure Modes and Effects Analysis – approach to analyse ETHD potential failures and highlight their associated strategies; and ultimately provide a groundwork and guidelines for ETHD designers.
Published in IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality + 3D User Interfaces 2022
Robotised Tangible UI for Multimodal Interactions in VR
Anticipating Intentions to Physically Encounter the User

I presented some of my work at IHM x IG x RV 2021.
I provide a Framework towards the Enhancement of Robotic Graphics technology, through replicable implementation methods and intention models at different scales. Finally, I describe CoVR, a robotic graphics interface I designed, through its interaction capabilities.
A small Overview of my PhD Thesis!
“Can I Touch This?”: Survey of Virtual Reality Interactions via Haptic Solutions
See Project >

This article is a survey of Virtual Reality interactions, relying on haptic devices.
We propose two dimensions to describe and compare the current haptic solutions: their degree of physicality, as well as their degree of actuation. We depict a compromise between the user and the designer, highlighting how the range of required or proposed stimulation in VR is opposed to the haptic interfaces flexibility and their deployment in real-life use-cases.
Published in IHM Conférence 20’21
CoVR: A Large-Scale Force-Feedback Robotic Interface for Non-Deterministic Scenarios in VR
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CoVR is a robotic interface that provides large force-feedback to the users in Virtual Reality. It consists of a XY-Cartesian robot mounted over the ceiling, which moves accordingly with the users’ intentions, in order to physically overlay virtual objects prior to the user interaction.
Published in UIST ’20 Proceedings
Industry Research and Development:
My work @ StretchSense Ltd >